Sweet and juicy
as nature intended

Sweet and juicy
as nature intended


We’ve been bringing high-quality fruit to the table since 1953, our varieties are nurtured with love and care, and are picked at the perfect time. We are passionate about bringing the best tasting fruit to you. Endulini Citrus brands are renowned for delivering top quality fruit that exceed consumer expectations year after year.

Explore the wide range of citrus we grow, pack and distribute.



The Satsumas mature towards the end of March in the cold citrus production areas.

Our Satsumas are bursting with pure goodness, have a high juice content and are virtually seedless.


A Clementine is a hybrid fruit – a cross between a sweet orange and a Chinese Mandarin. The rinds are fairly smooth and thin and the fruit develops a good colour. The internal flesh colour is orange and the flavour is good with a high sugar content. The skin of a clementine clings loosely to the segmented flesh to allow for easy peeling and delicious enjoyment.

Our Clementines have a delicious sweet nectar taste, peel easily, and are conveniently seedless.


A Mandarin is a delicious, medium-sized citrus fruit that is characterised by a deep orange colour and a sweet, juicy flavour. Our Mandarins are small and juicy, easy to peel, and are seedless to virtually seedless.


Queen is a protected variety of soft citrus from Spain, owned by the Teresa family. It is a high-quality, late mandarin with a sugar to acid ratio that can go as high as 16: 1. The brix can reach up to 16° with an acidity of 1-1.4%. This indicates the variety will have an extended shelf life.

Endulini Fruit is the first grower of the Queen mandarin in the Southern Hemisphere. The fruit shape is flat, it has a deep orange-red rind colour and it is easy to peel.


All navels have an opening at the blossom end of the fruit that resembles a belly button – hence the name ‘navel’. Generally speaking, navels are the earliest maturing of the orange varieties, producing seedless fruit of a large size, with a deep orange colour, easily peeled rinds, and a sweet and pleasant flavour.

Our Navels are sweet and juicy, seedless, easy to peel and very snackable.


Known as the ultimate juicy orange, a Valencia’s flavour is a perfect balance of sweet and tart. Most people assume that this variety originated in Spain, but it was first discovered on the Azores Islands in Portugal. Valencia oranges are medium to large in size, have a roundish-oblong shape, and have a smooth, thin rind with a pebbled texture.

Our Valencias have a very high juice content, a beautiful colour, a sweet juicy flavour, and are available towards the end of the citrus season.
Our Navels are sweet and juicy, seedless, easy to peel and very snackable.


Ripe Lemons have a bright yellow nose, a layer of pith underneath and a paler yellow segmented interior. The lemon fruit is primarily used for its juice, although the pulp and peel (rind) are also used in cooking and baking. Juicy, acidic, yet flavourful, lemon is one of the most widely used and versatile citrus fruits worldwide. It is tart, tangy and extremely versatile with many health benefits.

Seedless Lemons

Ripe Lemons have a bright yellow nose, a layer of pith underneath and a paler yellow segmented interior. The lemon fruit is primarily used for its juice, although the pulp and peel (rind) are also used in cooking and baking. Juicy, acidic, yet flavourful, lemon is one of the most widely used and versatile citrus fruits worldwide. It is tart, tangy and extremely versatile with many health benefits.

Harvesting Calendar


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